Paul Fawkesley

Installing Syncthing on Synology with DSM 7

Today I installed Syncthing on my Synology DS115 NAS running DSM 7.

I wanted to use a normal Shared Folder called syncthing which was not the default.

Here’s how to install Syncthing with a Shared Folder and fix its permissions.

Add SynoCommunity package source

There is a community Syncthing package for Synology made by André Colomb and published via SynoCommunity.

My Synology didn’t know about SynoCommunity out of the box so I added it as a package source.

As per their instructions:

Go to Main Menu → Package Center → Settings

In the Package Sources tab, click Add, type SynoCommunity as Name and as Location and then press OK to validate.

New package source dialog showing a name and location input field.

Go back to the Package Center and enjoy SynoCommunity’s packages in the Community tab.

Select the new Community tab and search for syncthing, then click Install.

Package Center with a Community tab, a search input with Syncthing and the Syncthing icon

Create a Shared Folder with correct permissions

Screenshot of File Station right click Properties dialog

Click Create then “User or Group”.

Select the sc-syncthing (I think Syncthing made this group):

List of groups and users with sc-syncthing selected.

In the Permission box, select all checkboxes under “Read” and “Write”:

List of checkboxes. The Read and Write checkboxes are checked.

Configure Syncthing folders

In the Main Menu, there should now be a Syncthing icon. Click that, or open your NAS hostname on port 8384.

Under Folders, click Add Folder.

⚠️ Update Folder Path to start with /volume1/syncthing/... if you want this folder to exist inside your new Shared Folder.

Syncthing folder dialog box



After I installed the Syncthing package it gave me two paragraphs of documentation. I haven’t been able to find them ever again. I did take a note that defaults can be configured by editing the file /var/packages/syncthing/var/options.conf.

Thoughts? Get in touch